Sunday, November 27, 2011

Another busy few weeks...

The last few days have been fun at school. We had a nice Thanksgiving dinner on the 24th, the only thing missing was pumpkin pie and my family. But I will be home soon enough to eat pumpkin pie and spend time with family. I will be flying home on the 18th of December and spending a few weeks in Oregon. Besides Thanksgiving, we had Bridging the Gap, which was an informational day. We had a guest speaker come in and talk about the importance of sleep, nutrition, and exercise for the brain. During one of his presentations he had a website that helped students to find careers which fit their personality. For some reason I was the only person able to log onto the website... so I got to do my whole profile in front of all the teachers. According to the website, I am well suited for a career in taxidermy, jewelry making, tattoo artist, a florist, or as an elementary teacher... It was pretty entertaining. On Saturday we had Pecha Kucha, which are presentations in which the presenter is limited to 20 slides and 20 seconds per slide. Which makes things quick and to the point. Pecha Kucha was much better than I imagined it in my head, and I look forward to going to more Pecha Kucha's in the future.

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