Saturday, April 13, 2013

Spring Break: Hot/Cold

I am blessed to have a two week Spring Break, which has allowed me to explore both hot and cold climates in one break.

Part 1: Saipan

I started out by break by heading down to Saipan (near Guam, aka the middle of the ocean). I found getting into Saipan was very easy, as it is part of America. No hassles getting though immigration and customs. Once on the Island I decided to rent a car, mainly because I miss driving. The first day I spent driving around the Island, which is only 12x5 miles (19x9km). Needless to say in four days I only used a quarter of a tank of gas. On my initial drive around the Island, I visited all of the historical sites. Most of the sites in Saipan are related to WWII and are quite depressing. But there are many beautiful beaches and jungles. While driving I stopped for a hike to 'Forbidden Island' it's not so forbidden. But the hike was fun. I had to use a rope to basically repel down the trail. The water was awesome and the views were nice.

The second day I spent standup paddle (SUP) boarding, snorkeling, and hanging out in a spa. The guide for SUP was awesome. We paddled out to our snorkeling spot and put on our fins and snorkel. There were tons of fish and the water was amazingly clear. After getting back I had a BBQ lunch waiting for me. After relaxing by the beach, I headed up to the spa, for a few hours of relaxation.
Tuesday I decided I would try diving. I have always been hesitant in the water because I am not the best swimmer, but I wanted to face my fears. I went with DPIS and my awesome instructor Vison. We went to Lao Lao Bay and did a beach dive. I was with a Chinese couple, who had also never been diving. I think the best thing about diving is feeling like a mermaid and breathing underwater. It sounds cliche, but it's like a whole different world underwater. We saw tons of fish, coral and other marine life. The water was pretty clear so we could see pretty far too. After diving I wet for a hike to the 'Old Man By The Sea'. It was hot and the trail was lined with lizards, but the end was worth it. I always love it when things are named appropriately. After hiking Vison called and invited me to 'Happy Hour' with him and his friends. 'Happy Hour' ended up being buying beer and drinking outside another dive shop. It was awesome, I got to meet a lot of new people and try a lot of local food. I also got to meet a man who was doing research and looking for Amelia Earhart.
Old Man By The Sea 

Wednesday was spent sitting on a little island off of Saipan. Managaha Island is a small island only 5 minutes or so by boat. I went with my guide from SUP, Wayne. Wayne knew a lot of the boat drivers and we get a free ride over to the island. Once on the island we basically just sat around and relaxed on the little island. On the way back over we hitched a ride with another boat. Once we got in the boat driver asked if we wanted to Parasail. at first I said no (it's scary). But it was free and it was tandem, so I didn't have to do it myself, so I went for it. There were a few Korean guys on the boat and they went first. After they went Wayne and I went up. The driver had us up twice as high as the other guys (who paid) and we went twice as long. It was a little terrifying, but it was pretty amazing. We saw wreckage of a WWII plane underwater and we saw a large ray swimming underwater. I don't feel like parasailing is something I need to do ever again in my life... but it was still pretty cool. Later that night I went back over with Vison and the crew for another "Happy Hour" and a send off BBQ for the guy looking for Amelia Earhart.

Thursday I want diving again and got a steal of a deal. I went on three dives for the price of about one and a half. The first dive was back at Lao Lao Bay. We went with a Japanese couple. They had a small child so one of them had to watch their son while the other went diving, and then they switched. So I got to do two dives. It was awesome, we went out quite a bit further than we did on Tuesday and saw a lot more marine life. After we dropped the Japanese couple off and ate some lunch we went to the next dive site, Obyan. Obyan was awesome, we went to 18 meters and saw tons of Garden Eels, finding Nemo fish, and hundreds of other fish. Again Thursday night was spent at "Happy Hour" with food from the Saipan night market.

Vison and Julana 
Friday was basically my last day on Island. I spent the first part of the day SUP with one of they guys from the "Happy Hour" dive shop. Then another guy from the "Happy Hour" dive shop has a business running underwater scooter things. The underwater scooter was ok, but not as cool as diving. After that we had some local food for lunch and then I sat on the beach by my hotel and read a book for the rest of the day. Later Vison picked me up for my last "Happy Hour" on island. All the guys as the dive center had a BBQ for my going away shenanigans. Later we went over to the bar next to the dive shop where they had a live Island Reggae Band and dancing. We stayed out until about 2am dancing, it was the best last day! Once I got back to the hotel I finished packing and had to check out of my hotel by 3am, for my 6am flight departure. I was asleep before we taxied. 

Overall Saipan was a wonderful place! Filled with beautiful beaches, and kind people. I will definitely be going back!  

Part 2: Hokkaido 

The second week I spent up in Northern Japan in Niseko, Hokkaido. 
The flight in was awesome, we got to fly on ANA's Pokemon plane. Once we arrived in Hokkaido, we had a two and a half hour bus ride to Niseko. Once we arrived, we hit the slopes. The snow was a little slushy but what do you expect for April snowboarding. We had great views from the mountain to look across to Mt. Yotei, Hokkaido's mini version of Mt. Fuji. 

The second day we went snowshoeing with NOASC Adventure tours. We trekked around a frozen lake. After our snowshoe we went for coffee and lunch at a lovely cafe in Niseko. 

Wednesday was another snowboarding day! 

 Thursday was another Snowshoeing Day. We started out near Weiss Ski Resort for a 3km trek. Then we traveled around ad did a few other short treks to see lots of snow and signs covered in snow.

The last day I spent snowboarding some awesome natural half pipes. The weather was amazing and the snow was a little better. 

Flying back we got to fly on the Pokemon plane again! It was awesome! 

I couldn't have asked for a better break, the combination of hot and cold/single and group, was ideal and just what I needed! Hopefully next year's spring break can be just as amazing! 

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